Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Hispanics and American Society Essay

The size of the overall population of the Hispanics found with the rural areas of America is increasing by the day and this population has trickled over to the urban areas. The effects of their increase is felt by the overall American society as the Hispanics have adopted a particular social way of living that indeed has affected the social, educational and the political life of the Americans. This paper will tackle the challenging issues faced by the Hispanics living in America including the dysfunctional families, use of drugs among individuals in this community, their educational achievements; rate of attrition and the issue of single parenthood that dominates this community. Main body Literature review Kenneth M. J. and Licther T. D. (2007) have given a recount of the population estimates of the Hispanics living within the American territory as per a research they carried between the year 2000 and 2007. They explain the rate of increase in the population of Hispanics since the year 2000 and their current estimates. They explain that the current population of the Hispanics is an estimated 14% of the total population residing in the United States. They have shown that between the year 2000 and 2007, the rate of increase in the population of this group of people accounted for more than a half of the total population gain that the United States experienced within the said period. The results of the research attributed the increase to a very high fertility rate as opposed to the rate of immigration that led to the population increase prior to the said time period. The research does not however eliminate immigration as a factor of population increase as it still accounts for a lesser percentage of the increase in population. Kenneth and Licther have also covered the redistribution of the Hispanic population towards the internal geographical areas of the United States from the traditional gateway cities found in the southwest and into the suburbs represented by large and small metro areas, the non metro communities as well as the rural areas (Kenneth & Licther 2007pp32-47) Denlinger, K. 2005 has covered the area of economic and social challenges confronted by the Hispanics in America. Five social indices that mark the social needs of the Hispanic families have been explained here. They include poverty, income, age, immigration and fertility. Poverty rates among the Hispanic families in the year 1999 are put at 20. 2% as compared to the9. 3% rate for the whole nation in the same year as well as the 5. 5% rate among non-Hispanic white families. The said rates differ with the kind of families where the single parent headed families performed badly at an overwhelming 39% and the families headed by both parents at 14. 2%. The median income for the Hispanics is approximated at 60% that of the families residing in the United States at 32,000 dollars as compared to the 52,000 dollars of the American population. Just like with the poverty rates single parent headed houses especially those headed by women performed poorly than all other types of families. On the overall age of the Hispanics is much younger than that of the overall American age. The Hispanics have an approximated median at 26. 3 for males and 25. 5 for females as compared to the 34 years for males and 36 years for females across America. Denlinger’s findings on the rates of fertility among the Hispanics are similar to that made by Kenneth and Licther. He explains that on average, the Hispanic women have much greater fertility levels than any other group residing in America. He records findings of a 2000 research that shows that 13. 6% of the 60. 9 million women of child bearing age were Hispanics who gave birth to 19. 3% of the 3. 9 million children born in 2000. The young ages of the Hispanic mothers increases the possibility of bearing children (Denlinger 2005 p45, 52-60, 73). Weber 2004 captures the rates of immigration of the Hispanics to the United States. He explains the results of the census 2000 that yielded the count of 16. 1 million Hispanics out of the 35. 4 million that were living in the United States were born elsewhere but had migrated to the United States. He goes back in time to the 1980 up to the year 2000 where he estimates the number of Hispanics that immigrated to the United States to be 12. 5 million. The significance of Weber’s book to my paper is the identification of the indices that mark the social needs of the Hispanics living in the United States. This was done by the virtue of appreciating the fact that the Hispanics living in the United States are not a homogenous group but a collection of people with particular differences in terms of financial status, social status, marital status and the many social dynamics that exist in social living. He has however attempted to comprehensively cover the indices that related to the wider group as an estimated general consideration (Weber 2004PP23-46). Akins has captured the issue of substance abuse among Hispanics immigrants living in America. He draws from a research conducted by the Oregon State University that had surveyed a total of 6,714 adults who were living in Washington of which 1,690 of them turned out to be immigrant Hispanics. He contributes to the significance of the paper by raising points that he concluded from the research conducted. He found out that the immigrants were in large numbers taking up the habits they found with the white Americans to the predicament of their own cultural practices. He has reported on a number of studies conducted in areas where there were great Hispanic concentrations like Florida, the Southwest and California. He found out that the Hispanics had a reduced chance of experiencing acculturation due to their tendencies of clumping together into ethnic communities. But the research yielded that accultured Hispanics had a 13 times possibility of doing drugs than their non-accultured counterparts. The study indicated a 6. 4% illicit drug use among the white communities while the accultured Hispanics had a 7. 2 percentage use in illicit drugs. At the same time, the research yielded a less than 1% illicit drug use among the non-accultured Hispanics. Akins reported that the general trend within the Hispanic communities was a commitment to the family and intolerance towards use of alcohol and drugs. The drug using accultured Hispanics emulated the patterns of the white drug users. Some of the findings of the research revealed that accultured Hispanics had a double tendency to binge and thrice as likely to drink continuously for days without sobering up. Frazier et al. 2006 has focused on the academics of the Hispanics living in America. He associates the massive concentrations of Hispanics found in the lowest levels of jobs in America to lack of education and their challenged use of the English language. Recent immigrants usually have little formal education and the poorest command of English which puts them at the greatest disadvantage in acquisition of well paying jobs. This problem also trickles down to their children who limited in their upward social mobility. Frazier explains that many Hispanics face problems completing high school which leaves them without the necessary skills to compete for high paying jobs seeing that the United States’ economy is driven by technology and information. The book shows how immigrant student Hispanics and the American born Hispanics have a less likelihood of graduating from high school than their non-Hispanic counterparts. A relationship between the improvements of the academic standards with the Hispanics’ success in the job market has been struck in this book and serves to create one of the dynamics within the paper that explains the predicament of the Hispanics in the United States. A study on high school graduation rates conducted in the United States approximated the percentage of high school completion among the Hispanics as the lowest at 33. 8% (Frazier et al. 2006p218-233). The overall approach with the referencing has been the utilization of a very recent time period for the studies conducted. Most of the information contained within the reference material has utilized very recent experiences of the Hispanics within the American society. Kenneth and Licther for example have limited the time period for their study between the years 2000 to 2007. Denlinger sought to focus on the year 1999 and other recent years; the author who has drawn his ideas from a long time period appears to be Weber who has drawn on the experiences of the Hispanics in the 1980s all the way to the year 2000. Even then, most of the authors have drawn their conclusions on the historical experiences of the Hispanics from their very beginnings in migrating to the America and settling there either as illegal immigrants or as American citizens by virtue of the natural birth that immediately confers American citizenry to the people born within America. The theoretical understanding of the Hispanics has been drawn from previous studies conducted by the authors e. g. Akins based his study on a research that was conducted by the Oregon state University. Other authors based their ideas on the researches that they themselves conducted among the Hispanics in America. Such authors include Denlinger. Scholarly journals and academic materials have also formed sources of information for the authors of the references I have used. The findings of this study reflect a symbolic interactionist approach since it reflects the individuals in this case the Hispanics as social products of the society from which they come from. The Hispanics for example have had problems with attaining good jobs because they do not have the academic skills required for competing for well paying jobs. This is a direct result of the kind of life they lead which is dictated by the financial challenges they face within the society. Conclusion The Hispanics who live in America are quite challenged especially due to their lack of an education that has helped to elevate the social standing of the people living within the United States. Though they have been faced by a predicament whose magnitude they bear, it is also apparent that they affect the whole of the American society since their presence in large numbers through immigration or high fertility rate happen to pressure the social amenities and other facilities e. g. the health facilities that are already in place. It has been feared that they might course a population proliferation if their current fertility trends persist and attract great competition for the good jobs that the American born population currently enjoy. Even then there is need to check on the positive side of the presence of the Hispanics within the American territory for example, they have enriched the American culture through the addition of their cultural beliefs and practices. At the same time, they have involved themselves with the low ranking jobs which the Americans loath. This way they assist with the growth of the economy. References Akins, J. & Arrighi, B. (2007) Hispanics in America Today?. Oxford University Press P101 Denlinger, K. (2005) Hispanics in America: The â€Å"resting monster† wakens?. Sage publishers p45, 52-60, 73 Frazier, J. , Margai, F & Tettey, F. (2006) Race and position: justice issues in urban America. Sage pub pp218-233? Kenneth, M. J. & Licther, T. D. (2007) Hispanics and the future of America?. McGraw hill publishers. pp32-47 Weber, D. (2004) The Spanish border in North America?. Macmillan publishers PP23-46

Tuesday, July 30, 2019


GANDHI’S ROLE IN ENDING BRITISH RULE IN INDIA India was one of the most important British colonies in Asia. During the First World War (1914-1918), the British government promised the Indians that if they fought against the Germans in return would receive greater administrative autonomy. After the war, however, the promise was not fulfilled. Instead, the representatives of the British government began to violently repress all attempts at emancipation of India. The main Indian leader who opposed British rule was Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948).The main resource used by him in the struggle against the British was based on the strategy of active non-violence. Gandhi preached civil disobedience and non-violence, (Satygraha) of the Indians against the English authorities through non-payment of taxes and rejection of British industrial products. The purpose was to weaken the opponent, preventing any cooperation with it, but without using violence. Mahatma Gandhi was the preeminent leader of Indian nationalism in British-ruled India.Employing non-violent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for non-violence, civil rights and freedom across the world. When Gandhi arrived in India, the First World War was at its height. At first he ignored this. He addressed the British Viceroy of India but shocked him by declaring shame at having to speak in English whilst in India. He also verbally attacked the rich Indian princess who was loyal to British rule. Many princesses were deeply offended and walked out.After show its position against the British rule and seeing that the Indian population was suffering in British hands he began a Satyagraha campaign to help poor Indian peasants in the district of Bihar. This was more a protest against conditions than against the British, but it did involve Gandhi encouraging Indians to refuse to pay taxes. In 1917, surprisingly, Gandhi joined a campaign organized by the British Viceroy to persuade ord inary Indians to join the British on the Battlefields of France against the Germans. He personally toured the Indian District of Kheda in support of the campaign.The Salt March, also known as the Salt Satyagraha, began with the Dandi March on March 12, 1930, and was an important part of the Indian independence movement. It was a direct action campaign of tax resistance and nonviolent protest against the British salt monopoly in colonial India, and triggered the wider Civil Disobedience Movement. This was the most significant organized challenge to British authority since the Non-cooperation movement of 1920–22, and directly followed the Purna Swaraj declaration of independence by the Indian National Congress on January 26, 1930.Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (commonly called Mahatma Gandhi) led the Dandi march from his base, Sabarmati Ashram near Ahmedabad, to the sea coast near the village of Dandi. As he continued on this 24 day, 240 mile (390 km) march to produce salt without paying the tax, growing numbers of Indians joined him along the way. When Gandhi broke the salt laws at 6:30 am on April 6, 1930, it sparked large scale acts of civil disobedience against the British Raj salt laws by millions of Indians.The campaign had a significant effect on changing world and British attitude towards Indian independence and caused large numbers of Indians to join the fight for the first time. At the end of the First World War seemed to hold great promise to India. She had been invited to the Versailles Peace Conference as a separate power in her own right. Also, towards the end of the war, the Montagu Declaration had promised increased participation in the government and justice system of Indian people.However, this promise was dashed by two events in the immediate period after the war: o The Rowlatt Acts: these acts said that the rights of Indians to free speech and protest would not be fully restored even though the war had ended. o The Amritsar Massacre: After some protests the British rule weakened. To solve the problem, a meeting was organized. The meeting was meant to be peaceful and made up of men, women and children. But the British ordered his troops to line up facing the crowd and to open fire.No final warning was given to the protesters. Those two things were a great mistake. Jawaharlal Nehru, also known as Pandit Nehru was an Indian statesman who was the first (and to date the longest tenure of) prime minister of India, from 1947 until 1964. Ward leader in the socialist Indian National Congress during and after the effort of India to independence from the British Empire, became the Prime Minister of India at independence. His real initiation into politics came when he came in contact with Mahatma Gandhi in 1919.At that time Mahatma Gandhi had launched a campaign against the Rowlatt Act. Nehru was instantly attracted to Gandhi's commitment for active but peaceful civil disobedience. Jawaharlal Nehru was elected mayor of Allahabad in 1924 and served for two years as chief executive of the city. From 1926 to 1928, Jawaharlal served as Secretary General of the Committee of the Congress of the United Provinces. In 1928-29, the annual session of the Congress under President Motilal Nehru was held.During that session Jawaharlal Nehru and Subhas Chandra Bose backed a call for full political independence, while Motilal Nehru and others wanted dominion status within the British Empire. To resolve the issue, Gandhi offered the British to grant in two years the domain status to India, otherwise the Congress would launch a national struggle for full political independence. Nehru and Bose reduced that period to one year. The British did not respond. In December 1929, the annual session of the Congress was held in Lahore and Jawaharlal Nehru was elected as president of the Congress Party.During the session, a resolution demanding India's independence was passed and on January 26, 1930 in Lahore, Jawaharlal Nehru busy hav ing a flag of free India. And Gandhi made the call for civil disobedience movement in 1930. The movement finally forced the British government to recognize the need for major political reforms and ended up being a great success. After the Second World War, in 1947, the state of Britain gave India its political Independence, but the territory was divided into the republic of India, the Hindu majority, and republic of Pakistan (East and West), with a Muslim majority.Later, in 1972, after a violent war, East Pakistan separated from the West and was renamed Bangladesh. He was very important for the India independence because he introduced a new way to think, a new way to fight without having to lose lives. In my opinion he was the most important factor for the ending of the British rule in India. Thanks to him Indians are free of suffering in British hands, he created a new way of avoid loss of lives and fighting. He showed to the world a new way to live and find what you want, a non-v iolence way. Gandhi To what extent has the importance of Gandhi been exaggerated in persuading the British government to give India independence in 1947? Gandhi wasn’t as significant as people think he was during the struggle for Indian independence. Some believe that Gandhi was the reason why Britain gave independence to India, people exaggerated over his abilities and his actions during the struggle for Indian Independence, and so he then became â€Å"the Father of India† this again really exaggerated his importance.But then again, after the Second World War, Britain would have given India independence anyway due to Britain becoming bankrupt which would have meant that Britain would have to give India independence because they couldn’t afford to keep control and order in such a big country like India. Therefore, Gandhi didn’t actually need to go on big campaigns, because most of them would result in a huge number of people being killed or die of starvation.These are the key parts that people miss out and over exaggerate about Gandhi’s importance. Just like the Amritsar massacre and the Bengali Famine, India was punished for the trouble they have caused for Britain, which resulted in lots of Indians being killed. In a way, Gandhi knew that his campaigns would be result in some people being killed and he could have done it differently, in a more peaceful way, because Britain would have given India independence eventually.Gandhi set himself a goal, to unite the whole of India so that Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs could live together without the British Raj, but he failed to do that and because he failed we now have a separated India, which resulted in millions of people losing their lives due to Gandhi’s decisions and actions . Overall, Gandhi really annoyed the British, which caused them to act in a way they wouldn’t necessarily act, like shooting in a crowd of Indians.Also, like the â€Å"Quit India Campaign†, which Gandhi intro duced and said to his fellow Indians to Cause trouble on the streets of India, Gandhi thought that this will eventually lead to Britain getting fed up of the constant trouble and then grant them the Independence, which they have so badly been fighting for, but this only led to more Indians being killed. This proved to be a disaster for Gandhi and due to some decisions he made, India split into three, India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Also resulting acts threats of terrorism to each on of the three countries.This again shows what an impact Gandhi still has today due to his work and the methods he picked to free India. This may have had an influence on some famous figures in History such as Martin Luther King, but then again, it resulted in Millions of people losing their lives due to Gandhi not being successful in one of his main goals, such as uniting India. When the Rowlatt Act came into law, Gandhi proposed that the entire country observe a hartal, a day of fasting, prayer, and abs tention from physical labor, in protest against the injustice of the repressive new law.Millions of Indians followed Gandhi’s words and started to fight back against the British, they simply didn’t go to work; almost the whole of India came to a halt for the whole day. Following the words of Gandhi, some Indians came together in groups, which was against the Rowlatt act law. A General in the British army in India named General Dyer became furious and decided to â€Å"teach the Indians a lesson† and so he went to the meeting in Amritsar and massacred nearly all the Indians that simply came together to listen to each other. All eyes were on Gandhi, because it was his words that led to this massacre.Even though Gandhi knew that his instructions to Indians would cause agony for the British, but also for India, but he took the risk anyway. Again this shows that Gandhi’s words proved to be futile, because the British would always respond back to the actions mad e by Gandhi and the Indian people. Even though Gandhi knew that, he would still continue his campaign, which would later cause chaos on the streets of India. But his actions were seen as successful because no one had actually stepped up to the British, this again exaggerates his importanceFurthermore, Gandhi’s campaigns may have been effective against the British, but it also came with a huge sacrifice. Gandhi’s campaigns really annoyed The British, especially Winston Churchill. Gandhi, â€Å"The Father of India† and Churchill, the Prime minister of Britain had a clash of ideas. Because Gandhi won, people see him as defeating one of the most powerful men in the world. But it came at a huge cost; this really exaggerates his importance because people don’t really see the other side. His campaigns eventually led to the Bengal famine, which resulted in millions of people starving to death.Gandhi’s campaigns are thought to of led to the Bengal famine, a nd the amount of money Britain had to pay for the damage, and so they tried to put an end to it by setting an example. In a way, Churchill really badly wanted to punish the Indians for all the trouble they caused. Churchill did this by stopping shipments of supplies to Bengal and instead he sent them to soldiers in Africa, which they didn’t really need. The famine lasted between one to two years. Churchill himself said, â€Å"I hate Indians†, â€Å"The famine was their own fault. † Some may argue that, he is referring to just Gandhi and the problems he has made for Britain to clean up.Overall, Gandhi’s actions and the decisions he made had a huge effect on India and Britain, which then, led to the Bengal famine and as a result Millions of woman and children died. Churchill only tried to show Gandhi he too can cause trouble for India, he also tried to warn Gandhi and the rest of India that this would be the result of the actions and the amount trouble they cause. But Gandhi didn’t stop and continued with his campaigns to free India. On the other hand, Gandhi didn’t always cause trouble but sometimes he forced the British to just give up. Gandhi devised a great march to the coast; this would become famous as the salt march.Gandhi realized that the British tax on salt would become an advantage. Gandhi soon started to walk with his members of the Indian congress party and other followers to the Indian coast. Soon after, many people joined him. Afterwards he had whole villages behind him; he then arrived at the coast and encouraged people to take as much salt as they possibly can because the British couldn’t do anything about it. But, soon afterwards, as he arrived back, the British authorities had arrested him and thrown him in jail. This had caused mass rioting, some people were killed and so the British had no other option, but to release him.The British government had to pay a lot of money for all the damage and mess that the rioters had made. Gandhi proved himself to the Indian people as a leader. The period of â€Å"non-cooperation† that began in 1920 saw Gandhi moving all across India, encouraging people to give up their Western clothing and British jobs. Soon afterwards Gandhi’s Congress party would become an organization filled with people working for it, this then proved to be an organization fit to become a professional party ready to lead their fellow Indians to Independence.Gandhi’s work despite the interference of the British authorities was a great success. Gandhi then would introduce a civil disobedience campaign, which would prove to be a mistake that shook the world. During one of the protests that night a group of Indians broke into one of the colonial outposts and killed many of the people working there. Horrified by the actions of his fellow Indians, Gandhi abandoned his plan for civil disobedience and retired into a period of fasting and prayer.Even as the Viceroy of India and the Prime minister of Britain wanted Gandhi out of the way, they couldn’t due to the political system Britain had in effect for since the early stages of the British Empire. The media were always there, and the class system in Britain was very important during that time, and so if the British authorities in India or Britain were to throw Gandhi in a jail for life or even execute him which they could of done very easily, but it would harm their reputation as the most advanced nation in the world.People would see the British as savages; this system came to Gandhi’s advantage during the salt march. From 1934 until the outbreak of war in 1939, Gandhi left the struggle for independence to Nehru. He began traveling through India again, working with women and children, helping the poor, and promoting use of the old fashioned Indian spinning wheel. He went from village to village, teaching others of the way of true India, barefoot and on the road for months at a time.Gandhi wanted to prove to all Indians that they didn’t need to wear western clothing or use western methods of making clothes, and that the Indian way was better, he did this to try and get everyone to do the same and then it would have been much easier to unite India. But people often get mistaken and believe that this method of uniting India wasn’t as effective, sure people do get together, but teaching the true Indian ways of doing things showed that Gandhi tried to get people together. But just when people were getting along, he introduced the â€Å"Quit India Campaign† people would riot on the streets killing many people.Again people don’t see the other side of Gandhi and over exaggerate his importance by pointing out that he taught many Indians the true Indian way in the hope that they would get along and unite to overcome oppression from the British. Gandhi didn’t support the war, and when Britain called for India to help th em in the upcoming â€Å"Battle of Britain†, which would decide the future of Britain, the war and even the world, But Gandhi and the rest of India refused, and in a way, also helping the Nazis because they weren’t helping the allies and instead helping Hitler and the Nazis by not fighting.But they only fought to protect their own country from invasion. Japan, a growing empire decided to start the invasion of India and wanted to overthrow the British Raj and have India for themselves, but they lost to the Indian sepoys supported by Gandhi. So, in a way they could have helped Britain, but they also had the Japanese looking to extend their border. This then resulted in many deaths over in Britain, which were lucky enough to snatch a victory at the battle of Britain.Three years after his wife's death was a time of struggle for Gandhi, the growing Muslim league and Jinnah were looking to have a country of their own â€Å"Pakistan† in the far west of India and  "Bangladesh† in the far east of India. Gandhi’s dreams of a united India were beginning to shatter. This shows that his main dream of uniting India was beginning to end this shows that Gandhi wasn’t very successful and failed to reach his goal, therefore Gandhi was only useful in gaining independence so that others can have theirs within the country.Elections were beginning to be held in India, they were between the Congress party and the Muslim league. India was becoming a piece of land which was going to be torn apart between two different faiths. The political Parties of India were beginning to look like true professionals. MPs were elected in heavy Hindu and Muslim parts of India. The fate of India was to be decided. After the war, Britain was absolutely spent the whole treasury. It was now empty and people were so hungry they had to eat cat food.This eventually led to many countries getting their independence because Britain couldn’t afford to keep co ntrol and order in many countries like India, it became â€Å"ungovernable† and so Britain just gave up and gave them their independence. India received independence not from Gandhi’s methods of Satyagraha, but through total anarchy and outbreaks of violence across the country. This shows that everyone forgot about Gandhi because he wasn’t important to them and believed that the methods he used were wrong because people were dying for nothing, and so Gandhi’s methods were fading away.Overall, Gandhi claimed to represent all of India during the Round-Table conferences, but as he later learned to know that there were some who didn’t agree with him, such as Jinnah, the Muslim league and all other Muslims living in India, even though Gandhi’s and Nehru’s Congress party had the most seats in the Indian parliament, Gandhi still thought he represented the whole of India which means that he forgot all about the Muslims and Sikhs that wanted t o remain separate.So in a way, he failed to reach his main goal which many people failed to notice during the later stages of India receiving independence. Disaster followed, violence swept the country as Hindus and Muslims killed one another. Nearly all fled the newly created borders, seeking safety in India or Pakistan, depending upon their religion. Millions had died while many other Millions were forced to flee their homes; it proved to be a disaster for Gandhi and his dreams of united India.Gandhi felt betrayed by his fellow Indians he felt that that no one had listened to him, that the people of India hadn’t learned a thing during the times of his campaigns and great marches which taught Indians to stay together, he believed that India would become independent only if they unite. But sadly, his dreams would only become a vision he once had. Later on Gandhi would give some speeches and show up in some important events, but then something, which shook the entire world, ha d occurred, Gandhi was assassinated. But even after his death he then somehow still influences people from around the world.Overall, Gandhi didn’t reach his main goal to unite India, but it is thought that Gandhi was the reason why India got their independence. This is usually exaggerated as a strong sense of sympathy for Gandhi after his death. Eventually India would of gotten their independence due Britain, which couldn’t afford to keep control of India and so they would of gotten their independence even without Gandhi. But then again, Gandhi’s campaign inspired many other famous people, such as, Martin Luther King, who then used Gandhi’s methods of non-violent protest, which would eventually then lead to black-Americans gaining their Civil Rights.Gandhi explained in one of his speeches that it is important not to fight against the British, but simply just not follow the orders and laws passed, such as don’t meet up in large groups. Gandhi told p eople not to follow that order and do the complete opposite, which then lead to the Amritsar massacre. Gandhi failed to reach his aims, but became a very famous figure in history due to his campaigns and the first ever use of peaceful protesting, which then after his death, Gandhi was claimed to be a hero and savior of India.People exaggerate Gandhi’s importance because they usually miss out on the specific detail that is very vital to understanding Gandhi. The exaggeration of Gandhi’s importance is also due to India having Gandhi as their only leader, this may be important because he was the first to step up to the British, but on the other hand he failed in uniting India against the British. Sure he may have had a role in the struggle for independence, but he caused India to divide, which caused millions of people losing their lives.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Employment and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Employment and Society - Essay Example It is in best interest of society as well as economy to avoid redundancy as much as it is possible. To have economic growth one needs to avoid the redundancy, cut down on the numbers that need to be redundant and devise some strategies that will keep the society prepared to mitigate the losses caused by redundancies. It is in best advantage of the employer to avoid redundancies in general and gender redundancy in particular as it calls for hate crime and discrimination. An effective way to tackle the redundancy is to collectively address it and on occasional basis consult with the trade and organization unions. The employers must discuss with the worker’s representatives parties and with mutual consent should reach some agreements so that there would be a win-win situation for both parties(Godwin, 2010). Some of the nasty situations that cam give rise to redundancies are increased over-times but with pay freezes. These situations can be avoided by reducing work hours, re-training of employees in case of new and improved business cycle, recruitment cycle freezing in time of recession and finally giving both genders equal chances to get the employment.(Davis, 2010) Employers must give the worker’s representative the number of employees that need to be redundant, the proposals for them in return, the pay scales and time scale that are offering at the certain level of the redundancy. The consultation should reach an agreement and no decisions shall be made before the consultation actually takes place. Retaining employees is far less costly than hiring and developing new employees. Every organization can give it a try though how a particular organization can avoid redundancies is purely dependent up on certain aspects such as the structure of organization, the forecasting that how long it will be down turn for you, the type and nature of work employees are engaged in and impact of profitability on credit crunch. Some of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Improving Patient Satisfaction through Noise Reduction Activities Essay

Improving Patient Satisfaction through Noise Reduction Activities - Essay Example It increases stress levels, heart rate and risk of cardiac problems, disrupts sleep, produces confusion, affects cognitive function, alters hormone levels, and reduces the confidence of patients on their caregivers (Call, 2007). Shelton (2000) also points out that environmental noise and its possible effects on healing and the rate of recovery of hospitalized patients is a special concern to nurses. At the same time, it has been found that healthcare givers functioning in a noisy environment are vulnerable to irritability, depression, exhaustion and burnout. The purpose of the program or project Improvement of Patient Satisfaction through Noise Reduction Activities is a quality improvement initiative. The purpose of this project is to enhance patient-satisfaction scores by 20% within a period of six months. To achieve this, the project aims at evaluating the impacts of the most common sources of excessive noise within the hospital environment and developing a long-term solution to the problem. The major sources of excessive noise that have been identified in the hospital environment include nursing activities during the day, evening and night and, talking and laughing by visitors, employees, other patients and occasionally, construction.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Global economic and lobal recession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Global economic and lobal recession - Essay Example Since the 2008 global economic crisis the airline industry was severely affected by reduced business revenues as the market adjusted to difficult economic times. Commercial and private travel costs had to be reduced in order to keep in touch with the economic realities that global performance had dipped into. Many related industries such as the motor vehicle industry were also severely hit to liquidation, which illustrates the magnitude of the threat that the industry faced. As a result of the reduced fortunes and opportunities in the industry and many national economies in general, governments had to chip in their protectionist policies against adverse impacts on the economy. As a result, there was an increase in government debt particularly in European economies that have had adverse impact on the integrity of the industry as an aftermath of the recession. The banking sector which impacts directly on the performance of most industries was also hit during the recent economic crisis and until full stabilization occurs, operation certainty remains elusive in the airline industry. According to Niththyananthan (1), the domestic market in the whole of Europe is particularly affected by the proceeding in the banking sector to such an extent that business operations are conducted with extra caution. This explains the huge national bailout pleas that certain economies in Europe have been forwarding to the IMF and the European Union, since their economies were severely affected.

Ikea Global Sourcing Challenges Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ikea Global Sourcing Challenges - Case Study Example As the discussion stresses if the child labor evidence being utilized at Rangan Exports is precise, the supplier is in direct infringement of IKEA's clause of no child labor. Barner has two clear option decisions in managing this circumstance. In the first place, she can end the contract with the supplier in light of their rupture of the no child labor procurement. This option is legitimate and reliable with. The potential disservice of this option is that it may deny IKEA of a lucrative supplier relationship, and it might briefly slice off access to Indian floor covering sources. In that capacity, it might antagonistically effect IKEA's main concern. Barner's other alternative is to give the supplier a "notice" however look after relations, with the admonition that the supplier quit utilizing child laborers. This would have the upside of keeping up a conceivably lucrative supplier relationship.This paper highlights that  it would likewise give IKEA the chance to "instruct" supplie rs about the perils of child labor. On the drawback, this activity would be in spite of IKEA's set up policies. It could make an impression on different suppliers that IKEA may furtively excuse child labor while straightforwardly censoring it.  Neglecting to do as such would send the wrong message to different suppliers, expanding their dealing power, and damages IKEA's particular policies. Besides, it leaves IKEA open to charges of exploitative conduct.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Globalization Spread The Happiness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Globalization Spread The Happiness - Essay Example ame time it should be noted that globalization has caused more problems in America than in any other countries in the form of economic crisis or recession. At the same time heavily populated countries like India, China, Brazil, Russia, Mexico etc have developed a lot after the introduction of globalization. In fact China is the number one exploiter of globalization at present even though it was reluctant in introducing globalization principles in its territories at the beginning. Supporters of globalization are of the view that globalization benefits the world through the promotion of such ideals as human rights, democracy, and freedom and that it enhances the prosperity of the world through free trade, free investment and better technology.   This paper argues that globalization brings happiness in the world and its drawbacks are negligible considering its advantages. Even though there are many reasons for supporting globalization, this paper limits its focus only to the economic, political and cultural benefits of globalization. Holst (2007) has pointed out that â€Å"economic interpretations of globalization cantered around three forms of capital; financial, productive and commercial (Holst). Moreover, Dharam Ghai (1997) has pointed out that â€Å"free market and private enterprise were the principal mechanisms for promoting economic activities in the sphere of economic globalization† (Ghai, p.1). Cross cultural business have been increased a lot as a result of globalization. Imports and exports between different countries were also increased because of the liberalized rules implemented in many countries as part of globalization. Earlier, it was difficult for a company to establish a business unit in overseas countries. However, at present, many countries started to liberalize their rules for attracting foreign direct investment because of the late awareness that external capital is necessary to the economic development of a country. â€Å"This is an era of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

You have been recently appointed as Human Resource Managment (HRM) Essay - 1

You have been recently appointed as Human Resource Managment (HRM) Director of a company which has recognized that it has a problem with low workforce motivati - Essay Example Maslows theory of motivation claims that human motives develop in sequence according to five levels of needs. These needs are: psychological (hunger, thirst), safety (protection), social (be accepted, belong to a certain group), esteem (self-confidence, achievements, respect, status, recognition), and self-actualization (realizing one’s potential for continued self-development) (Maslow, 1970). For employees to be productive in an organization, they need to hold positive attitudes toward the elements of organizational life. For example, one should view such factors as work, authority, taking risks in decision making, the need for control, and the need for change in a positive way. A negative attitudinal posture toward these factors will keep ones job satisfaction continually low as well as stimulate considerable resistance to many normal organizational processes and activities. Someone with the wrong attitudes shies away from high effort because the performance it yields is not perceived as worthy. It is not "real" performance from the viewpoint of the employee (Armstrong, 2003). For employees to exert high effort, they must see that it makes a difference in their performance. Employees must sense that effort will pay off in terms of performance--that it is highly correlated with performance and that higher effort will yield better performance. The stronger the perceived correlation, the stronger the motivation. Employee-job performance is a function of ability, job design, and motivation. If the employee has adequate ability and the job is designed well, then performance is solely dependent on the level of motivation. Assuming ability and job design are in order, high motivation becomes a necessary and sufficient condition for high performance. If employees know their ability is high and the design of their job is "top notch," then

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Global finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Global finance - Essay Example The stock price of Lloyds Banking Group (UK: LLOY) has dropped by as much as ?10 per share over the past 2 months. Ignoring the minor increase in the stock price during the first week of July, this decline has been gradual over this period. The share price has dropped consistently during recent months due to a number of reasons that will be elaborated below. These trends also fall in line with some of the observations made during the beginning of the sample period based on macroeconomic trends in the UK and Europe in general (Desai, 2011). Based on information on other players in the banking sector, Adams (2011) says that most banks have been performing below their book values due to the longstanding negative sentiment in the financial markets over the stability of these banks. At a time when the world is just starting to recover from the 2008 global financial crisis, investors are reluctant to place their money on this sector, especially in favor of the bigger banks (Brown, 2010). T hus, a major factor inhibiting the growth of the share price is the current sentiment over liquidity concerns and debt quality within banks. Thus, the current stock scenario reflects the short term outlook of the investors.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Supply chain management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Supply chain management - Essay Example Organisations now aim for customer loyalty while keeping cost of production low. This is shooting two birds in one shot but difficult to achieve; difficult because meeting the customer’s needs and wants at the same time minimising cost of production do not ensure quality product or service. Authors argue that customer satisfaction must be an important strategic part of marketing. Products and services must be geared towards customer focus, and customer satisfaction is a goal in a value added supply chain. Firms realise that supply chain management (SCM) can do wonders for the company and for the customer. SCM enables the company to cut costs and look for ways to satisfy customers. Supply chain management excellence is crucial to customer satisfaction; consequently, customer satisfaction is critical to customer loyalty, and loyalty critical to profitability (Reichheld 1996 cited in Flint et al., 2008, p. 258). In order to address the problem of customer loyalty, firms apply pro duct and service innovations. Supply chain learning should be a part of the firms’ strategies to address customer satisfaction and loyalty. This is also the main objective of market orientation – customer satisfaction through superior performance of products and services (Singh, 2004, p. 3). ... 258). Organisations keep constant contact with customers, looking for ways to satisfy their needs and wants. Good customer relation is an important aspect of business (McColl-Kennedy & Schneider, 2000, p. S884). To get closer to the customers, businesses have to work as cohesive organisations, using tools and technology (Gulati and Oldroyd, 2005, p. 92), and focus on knowledge-based economy, slowly moving away from the industrial economy. Identifying and working out to strengthen customer satisfaction, supply chains can help in having good relationship with customers, but supply chains have two attributes which are cost and service. Service is itself responsiveness to the customer’s demand, but demand can also increase cost. Putting on a lot of innovations on the product/s means adding cost on production. â€Å"Supply chain efficiency is measured as a cost of producing and delivering goods and service to the customer.† (Hines, 2004, p. 61) This means that if we increase responsiveness to supply chain, we add cost to the delivery of service. Businesses also have to care for their employees who are considered the most valuable asset of an organisation (Storey, 2007, p. 60). According to JoAnna Brandi (cited in Fisher, 2004), a consultant based in Boca Raton, Florida, employee happiness is somehow related to customer happiness. Customer relationship marketing (CRM) creates value for the customer (Chan, 2005, p. 32). Kotler et al. (cited in Blythe, 2006, p. 5) includes the idea of value in the definition of marketing, which is â€Å"the relationship between what is paid and what is received, and can be increased or reduced by marketing activities†

Monday, July 22, 2019

Internet Critique Essay Example for Free

Internet Critique Essay Internet is an incredible and enormous source of information and, thereby, information searched on Internet must be evaluated for credibility to effectively serve the variety of users. This paper provides a critique of the website â€Å"Healthline†, according to the criteria of Thede and Sewell (2010). Healthline is one of the popular website among Internet users, that offers users to search for health topic and medical advise online ( The users can find different treatment options available for a diagnosis as well as information about the drugs. It also allows the users to search for a specialist depending on their residential area. The criteria illustrated by Thede and Sewell (2010) is important in guiding users to differentiate between reliable and unreliable information. By using this criteria users become knowledgeable about evaluating the credibility of a website. The questions posed in the checklist prompt critical thinking process, and leads us to find the underlying intent of the website. The criteria assist users to check the validity of information by finding if the information is peer-reviewed or verified by qualified editor. Only if the found health information were from a valid scholarly source then it would be trusted. If the user’s intent is to validate the information then this criteria should be applied to any other website regardless of the underlying intent. For instance, commercial website’s sole intent is to sale their products. The Internet users now can search on the web for other websites that offer peer reviews on that product. Source Healthline runs by a company Healthline Networks Inc. Originally founded in 1999 but re-launched in 2005 with current name. Detailed description is given about the company’s motto, board of directors and management team in company-info section. A search for a specific disease results in a choice to go to different websites or choose the articles that are listed. If the editorial team does the article then no author name is specified, but it’s reviewed by a qualified MD with or without their credentials specified. But if the article is from an encyclopedia or another publisher, there is only author name is given with their affiliation and article’s published date but no author’s credentials. The last review date of an article is shown at the bottom of the page. The publisher name is shown as well with the copyright information. If author name is displayed, there is no link to contact the author. The link is available if the article is licensed from another publisher. There is no link available to contact the article reviewer. Funding Healthline is found to be a commercial site, generating its revenue mainly from the advertisement. It’s a free website for users. The home page is attractive and shows the advertisement at top and bottom of the page. There is also video advertisement with no audio, resulting in less distraction. The advertisements are clearly labeled and don’t spoil the user experience, therefore making the navigation easier. Validity and Quality The home page of Healthline shows the accessed date on top of the page and copyright information at the bottom. The last reviewed date is displayed at the bottom of each individual article. New articles are shown at the home page with the name of the editorial team member on top. But if user is looking for something specific then some of the articles searched are almost two years old. User has to thoroughly search for up to date information. There are appeared to be no content and typing errors. Information appears to be non-bias. The language used is comprehensible to a general user and lacks the jargon terms. If user navigates to the company info, the purpose of the website is clearly stated. Some of the articles are written by the editorial team and reviewed by an MD with published date but no credentials, while other articles are sourced from a third party publisher with some links functioning. The website claims that articles that are done by Healthline editorial teams are reviewed by the board of certified physicians and medical editors. Detailed information about Healthline medical advisory board and their editorial team is also available on the website, including the name of each member with brief summary of their credentials. Healthline acknowledges licensing the medical and health content from third parties for publication, with clear depiction of their name and a valid link. Some of their third party publisher reference partner include A.D.A.M., GALE Cengage Learning, Gold Standard, NBC Universal, StayWell, Harvard Health Publications, Reed Elsevier and more. Privacy Healthline privacy policy is well outlined in the company-info section. They clearly state what information they are collecting from users and with whom they share this information with. They gave a detailed overview of what type of anonymous information they are collecting. Anonymous information includes the type of queries done on the website by a user, but doesn’t include any personal information such as, name email-address or phone number. User can choose not to pass-on this anonymous information by disabling the cookies. Healthline pledges not to share any personal information of registered users to the third parties. In comparison to the recognized privacy policy statement of HON (Health on The Net Foundation, 2011) website, the personal information collected is also not shared with any third party. However, HON also gathers â€Å"non-personal† information using their web-server. HON’s privacy statement is short and lacks the details about the non-personal information. On the other hand, Healthline company-info section not only clarifies in detail to the users what are the â€Å"Cookies† and â€Å"Web Beacons†, but also specifies the privacy policy for the children under thirteen. Summary To summarize, the criteria by Thede and Sewell helps user develop a sense to evaluate the sources and credibility of information, based on author’s qualifications and credentials, source of publication, website’s purpose, and website’s privacy policy. All of the criteria are found to be of most importance in helping user to evaluate a website for credibility, especially if user is searching information about their health. The healthline doesn’t meet some of those criteria. The criterion of source is not met because of the lack of consistency in providing author’s name and credentials. Healthline needs to develop a consistency in displaying author’s name, credentials, affiliation, link to contact the author, article’s last reviewed date, and link to contact the article reviewer. The validity and quality criterion is also partially met. The third party publisher’s validity is verifiable in some case where links are functioning. Healthline needs to specify credentials of the article reviewers as well as the name of their editorial team’s member who wrote the article. Also the health information needs to be up to date. Healthline meets the criteria of funding and privacy policy. It clearly expresses its purpose, and acknowledges generating revenues form advertisement. Its privacy policy gives user a detailed view about the anonymous and personal information and how it is used, gaining user’s trust.

Clovis People Essay Example for Free

Clovis People Essay DNA harvested from the remains of an infant buried 13,000 years ago confirms that the earliest widespread culture in North America was descended from humans who crossed over to the New World from Asia, scientists say. The research, detailed in this weeks issue of the journal Nature, also suggests that many contemporary Native Americans are direct descendants of the so-called Clovis people, whose distinctive stone tools have been found scattered across North America and Mexico. The origins and genetic legacy of the people who made Clovis tools have been topics of debate among scientists. While most archaeologists think that the Clovis people were descended from Asians, an alternative theory suggests that the Clovis ancestors emigrated from southwestern Europe during the Last Glacial Maximum more than 15,000 years ago. The new findings strongly refute that idea, known as the Solutrean hypothesis, said study co-author Michael Waters, director of the Center for the Study of the First Americans at Texas AM University. This shows very clearly that the ancestry of the very first Americans can be traced back to Asia, Waters said. David Anderson, an anthropologist at the University of Tennessee Knoxville, agreed. Theres been a standard model for a long time that modern Native Americans are descended from populations coming from East Asia a few thousand years before Clovis, and thats what this finding reinforces, said Anderson, who was not involved in the study. Anthropologist Dennis Jenkins of the University of Oregon said the new study was a really important and really well done piece of research that opens the door for new kinds of genetic comparisons among ancient Native American remains. The importance of this cannot be overemphasized, said Jenkins, who also did not participate in the research. People have often asked me whats the relationship of the Paisley Caves—a site in Oregon where human feces and artifacts up to 13,200 years old have been found—to Clovis, and Ive always said that would be really nice to know, but there hasnt been any Clovis DNA until now, he said. Oldest Burial in North America. The skeleton of the Clovis child—which experts determined belonged to a young boy about one to one-and-a-half years old—was discovered in 1968 in the Anzick burial site in western Montana. Dozens of ochre-covered stone tools found at the site were consistent with Clovis technology, and radiocarbon dating revealed that the skeleton was approximately 12,600 years old. The Anzick skeleton is the oldest burial in North America, and the only known human burial associated with the Clovis culture, Waters said. Photo of the site where the artifacts were found. † width= PHOTOGRAPH BY MIKE WATERS The earliest known North American burial was found here in western Montana. Using bone shavings collected from the skull, the scientists painstakingly reconstructed the full genome of the young Clovis child. It was actually quite a big challenge, said study leader Eske Willerslev, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark who led the sequencing effort. Only 1 to 2 percent of the collected DNA was human, Willerslev said. The rest of it came from bacteria that invaded the skeleton after death. Comparison studies of the ancient DNA showed that it was similar to the genomes of ancient people living in Siberia and the ancestors of East Asians. The team also discovered a deep genetic affinity between the boys genetic material and those of 52 Native American populations living in South America and Canada. The Anzick remains share a common ancestry with almost every modern Native American group that we looked at, Waters said. This is an incredible result, Willerslev said, because it suggests that the relatives of the Anzick child were the direct ancestors of most Native American groups living today. This would be possible, he added, if the population of humans living in the New World about 13,000 years ago was very small and every member was closely related to the others. The scientists say they strongly suspect, but cannot yet prove, that Native Americans in the United States are also closely related to the Clovis people. Native American groups in the U. S. have been reluctant to share their DNA, or the DNA of their ancestors, with scientists. Unfortunately, we dont have much genetic material for native people living in the United States, Waters said. If you look at the genetic map [of humans around the world], the U. S. is a big [blank] spot. Jenkins of the University of Oregon said he hopes the new study will lead to further collaborations between scientists and U. S. Native American groups. That trust has got to be developed, and thats where Willerslevs group really excelled, Jenkins said. Well be better anthropologists and scientists if we view these remains more as the remains of people rather than just artifacts.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

A Report On Jeeves Plc

A Report On Jeeves Plc In recent years, there is worldwide competition among the companies to secure a marketplace due to the increasing demand amongst the customers. In order to survive in the global marketplace the companies have to give an improved quality of products and services. This Report provides a detailed study of the understanding of total quality management. It also provides an effective decision making techniques to improve the quality of the organisation. The methodologies employed for the integrated quality management as allied to the aspects of the total quality culture. In this project, i have discussed the problems made by JEEVES PLC COMPANY and its causes. With the help of total quality management, I have also suggested some valuable points that can help the company to recover from the problematic situation. In recent years, there is worldwide competition among the companies to secure a marketplace due to the increasing demand amongst the customers. In order to survive in the global marketplace the companies have to give an improved quality of products and services. In some market place there is an increasing supply of competitively priced products and services from low labour cost countries such as those in Far East, China, Vietnam, Philippine and India. Therefore the continuous improvements in total business activities with the focus on the customer throughout the entire organisation and an emphasis on flexibility and quality are one of the main means by which the companies face up to these competitive threats. The quality and its management and the associated continuous improvements are looked upon by many organisations as the means by which they can survive in increasingly aggressive markets and a competitive edge over the rivals. As a result of the efforts made by organisations to r espond to these marketplace demands the quality of products, services and processes has increased considerably during the last decades. QUALITY: The term quality can be defined in different ways. In general Quality can be defined as Degree to which a set of inherent characteristic fulfils requirements on a product which in-turn meets the consumer needs. It can also be defined as the characteristic which meets the requirement of a consumer on a process, a product or a service. Philip Crosbys defined quality as conformance to requirements. (Dale, 1999,2003) Therefore the definition of quality can be defined in its own according to the each related person and related fields. In technical usage, the word Quality is widely accepted to have two meanings. A characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs; and A product or service free of deficiencies. (Nanda, 2005) QUALITY MANAGEMENT: Quality management is defined as follows Quality management comprises all activities that are required to plan for quality in an organisation, and all activities that are required to satisfy quality objectives. Quality management comprises of four elements, they are Quality planning Quality control Quality assurance Quality improvement Quality planning: Quality planning refers to activities that are performed to: Establish quality objectives Identifying quality requirements Plan for quality management systems Plan for process execution Quality control: Quality control comprises activities executed to fulfil the requirements for quality. This includes: Activities to monitor a process to ensure its output is of required quality; and Activities to correct discrepancies when they occur. Quality assurance: Quality assurance comprises all the planned and systematic activities implemented within the quality system that can be demonstrated to provide confidence that a product or service will fulfil requirements for quality. Quality improvement: Quality improvement can be defined as: Enhancement in the effectiveness and efficiency of the processes; and Enhancement in the extent to which a product satisfies applicable requirements (including quality requirements). TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT: It is an approach that puts quality at the heart of everything that is done by an operation and including all activities within an operation. This in total can be summarised by the TQM lays particular stress on the following: Meeting the needs and expectation of customers; Covering all parts of the organisation; Including every person in the organisation ; Examining all costs which are related to quality, especially failure costs; Getting things right first time i.e. designing in quality rather than inspecting it in; Developing the systems and procedures which support quality and improvement; Developing a continuous process of improvement . Main implementation issues in TQM initiatives: A number of factors appear to be influential in ensuring the success of TQM. These are; The existence of a fully worked-out quality strategy; Top-managements support; A steering group to guide the initiative; An adequate recognitions and rewards the rewards scheme; Group-based improvements; An emphasis on appropriate training. (Nigel Slack, 2004) AN INTRODUCTION TO CASE STUDY ON JEEVES PLC: JEEVES PLC Company manufactures and sells an electronic consumer durable product. This is a domestic robot which is similar to human appearance and its mainly designed to carry out the domestic work. The robot is made up of light alloy material and is equipped with the sensory apparatus like radar which helps in moving the robot without colliding into the things and to carry out the work properly. The robot is controlled to carry out the work with the keyboard underneath the panel of the body. As a special feature it has got equipped with a memory system which is used in programming the machine to walk, move its hands and to perform other movements and as a special feature it is designed with voice programming and has got some simple speaking abilities such that it responds to some of the verbal commands given by the user. PRODUCTION PROCESS The sequence of the production of the robots is as follows: 1).Initially at the production process an order is placed by the department of sales .The robot is manufactured with the ultra light Kevlar and alloy steel sheet which is ordered from the local steel stock holders and the component suppliers supplies the electronic components like electric motors and the batteries, audio recognition devices system and radar vision system and are delivered and analysed. 2).In the following next step the delivered raw material stock is supplied to the inspection department for inspecting the quality certification standards where the quality standards are not to exceed more than 0.3% and 5% of the sample stock was taken by the inspection department randomly. 3).The steel sheet is cut into the required shapes using the high end computer controlled mechanical machinery such as guillotine and any scrap is discarded, followed by making the special joints on precision machined. 4).Once the cutting process is completed the cut sheets are passed to pressing stage to press them into the appropriate shapes such as fronts, backs, arms ,legs, and heads and drilled to facilitate assembly, followed by cleaning ,burnishing and spraying the appropriate colours to increase the appearance of the robot. 5).The painting process is carried out in order to make the surface of the robot free from rust and to give a good appearance such that it attracts the customers. The entire painting process is an automated process, the process proceed through a series chemical treatments then followed by blowing the dried using a hand held hose. The overall painting process involves two coatings of paint which is done by spraying and after once the first coat is completed the casings are polished with the help of machine. Then the last step ends with the hand finishing and polishing .Then the cases are taken from the work in progress (W.I.P) store and kept on a semi-automated assembly line. 6).The next step in the process is precision jointing which helps the robot to rotate its parts like shoulders, knees, and elbow and wrist joints in 6 planes and in consequence. The electronic components like battery, ceramic electric motor, printed circuit boards and storage cards are fixed to the back of the robot machine and also radar vision, gyroscopic balance system and audio reorganisation systems are fixed to the back of the head of the machine. Fibre optic cabling is also done when the arms and legs are assembled with joints and the fronts and backs are joined by using high adhesives. 7).Fronts and backs of the various cases are joined together using high technology epoxy adhesives. Then these applicators receive the casing halves along the assembly line where the adhesives along the surfaces using are spread using a gun. The major joints are done by robot applicators but certain small and in accessible areas have to be made by hand. Cases joined after components got fixed within them. Then the next step in process is to move the entire cases to the final assembly followed by the inspection and the test area to check the tests for held water and air tightness and smoothness of fit. 8).Each sub-assembly is inspected before final assembly. The head, body, arms and legs are connected up using multi-dimensional jointing and flexible hoses. After all the final inspection tests are carried out then the machine is subjected to some practical tests once after the software is installed into the system for visual inspection which follows in a sequence which takes for five consecutive weeks. (link, 2009) IDENTIFICATION OF PROBLEM AND ITS CAUSES: Problem-1 Problem1 DEVIATION RELEVANT FACTS IRRELEVANT FACTS WHAT IS IT? Cost of failure prevention is low (4%) Appraisal and inspection cost is 44% WHERE IS IT? Distribution of quality cost Distribution of quality cost WHEN DID IT OCCUR? Estimation of quality cost Estimation of quality cost HOW EXTENSIVE? large large IDENTIFICATION OF DISTINCTION/ CHANGES / RELATIONSHIPS The organisation is not concentrating on the failure prevention which plays a vital role in the productivity and hence it is unnecessary to make an increments in appraisal and inspection cost. And also there seems that appraisal is given to the unskilled employees were employed in the organisation and they are paid with an appraisal which is unnecessary EFFECTS OF THE PROBLEM If the organisation is not going to concentrate on failure prevention then there will be a huge amount of raw materials and money will be wasted. When a semi-skilled labour is employed in the organisation there will be wastage of time and money POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS The organisation must concentrate more on the failure prevention the prior training should be given to the employees are semi-skilled in order to accomplish the quality requirements Problem2 DEVIATION RELEVANT FACTS IRRELEVANT FACTS WHAT IS IT? Absenteeism WHERE IS IT? organisation WHEN DID IT OCCUR? during August and December HOW EXTENSIVE? large IDENTIFICATION OF DISTINCTION/ CHANGES / RELATIONSHIPS The staffs are not proper in adopting the work culture and there seems a lack of commitment towards the work EFFECTS OF THE PROBLEM if this happens the entire production will get slow down and production will get delayed and this will lead to a financial loss to the organisation POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS they should be educated about the importance of the group work and they are made to involve in the work Problem3 DEVIATION RELEVANT FACTS IRRELEVANT FACTS WHAT IS IT? Loss in capital employed WHERE IS IT? factory WHEN DID IT OCCUR? Year 2020 HOW EXTENSIVE? large IDENTIFICATION OF DISTINCTION/ CHANGES / RELATIONSHIPS it is observed that the capital investment per unit starting from the year 2016 to 2020 has been consequently decreasing EFFECTS OF THE PROBLEM This results in increase in productivity cost and capital investment POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS it is observed that the capital investment per unit starting from the year 2016 to 2020 has been consequently decreasing Problem4 DEVIATION RELEVANT FACTS IRRELEVANT FACTS WHAT IS IT? Some of the painting process is unnecessary WHERE IS IT? factory WHEN DID IT OCCUR? Automated painting process HOW EXTENSIVE? small IDENTIFICATION OF DISTINCTION/ CHANGES / RELATIONSHIPS In the painting process the parts of the robot are under gone a several steps of chemical treatments to prevent the surface free from rust which are normally dried using a hand held hose, where some of the operatives suggest it is unnecessary. EFFECTS OF THE PROBLEM This results in waste in time, money and labours assigned to the work POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS avoiding this stage may save the money, the time and the labour assigned to that particular job and they can be used for any other purpose so that the productivity may increase somewhat. Problem 5 DEVIATION RELEVANT FACTS IRRELEVANT FACTS WHAT IS IT? New precision joining unit WHERE IS IT? precision jointing WHEN DID IT OCCUR? weeks ending 9th and 23rd November HOW EXTENSIVE? large IDENTIFICATION OF DISTINCTION/ CHANGES / RELATIONSHIPS In the organisation they have setup a new precision joining unit for joining the shoulders, arms, elbow, knees and wrist joints of the product which requires own patented joining system which is expensive and requires highly skilled labour technicians and high end latest tools to work. Even though using such high end tools the fine tolerance in jointing mechanisms runs away. And it is observed that the rejections are 10% worse than the norm on the weeks ending 9th and 23rd November. EFFECTS OF THE PROBLEM This results a waste of money and time .It gives a poor quality of products POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Better suggestion regarding this case is to avoid using patented jointing systems Problem 6 DEVIATION RELEVANT FACTS IRRELEVANT FACTS WHAT IS IT? Poor fittings WHERE IS IT? Fitting section WHEN DID IT OCCUR? Fixing an assembly HOW EXTENSIVE? large IDENTIFICATION OF DISTINCTION/ CHANGES / RELATIONSHIPS The assembly is done, mainly by semi-skilled workers using power tools which results in poor fittings more rejections and again they are scraped back to rework on the same products EFFECTS OF THE PROBLEM Poor fitting results in more rejections and the which leads to wastage of time, money and labour POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS proper training should be given to the workers for fitting the joints and inspection has to be done properly so that they are not suppose to work on it again. Problem 7 DEVIATION RELEVANT FACTS IRRELEVANT FACTS WHAT IS IT? Repairing the joints WHERE IS IT? precision jointing WHEN DID IT OCCUR? weeks ending 9th and 23rd November HOW EXTENSIVE? moderate IDENTIFICATION OF DISTINCTION/ CHANGES / RELATIONSHIPS Even though the management places heavy emphasis on standard productivity the applicators achieve this pace but final assembly is frequently reduced because more time than was expected is spent on repairing the joints. EFFECTS OF THE PROBLEM There is a great deal of grumbling amongst the final assembly workers whose task is made more difficult by misaligned and poorly fitted joints. POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS In order to achieve the good quality product the necessary precautions can be taken like training the applicators on the job well with good technical knowledge skills and giving proper feedback on their performance. CONCLUSION: From the case study we can conclude that the organisation is to be managed well in order to increase the productivity rather than the profits and more over we have to concentrate on the miscellaneous expenditures, reducing product and service costs. S

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Ressentiment and Rationality :: Philosophy Philosophical papers

Ressentiment and Rationality ABSTRACT: This paper is an investigation of the condition of ressentiment. It reviews the two most prominent philosophic accounts of ressentiment: Nietzsche's genealogy of ressentiment as the moral perversion resulting from the ancient Roman/Palestinian cultural conflict and giving birth to the ascetic ideal; and Scheler's phenomenology of ressentiment as a complex affective unit generative of its own affects and values. A single sketch of the typical elements of ressentiment is drawn from the review of these two accounts. One element in particular, the exigency of rationality, is highlighted. The rationality of ressentiment is found to be essential to the phenomenon as a whole and to its constitutive parts. Curiously, while their accounts imply and suggest the role of rationality, neither Nietzsche or Scheler make the centrality of rationality to ressentiment implicit. Ressentiment is a state of repressed feeling and desire which becomes generative of values. The condition of ressentiment is complex both in its internal structure and in its relations to various dimensions of human existence. While it infects the heart of the individual, it is rooted in our relatedness with others. On the one hand, ressentiment is a dark, personal secret, which most of us would never reveal to others even if we could acknowledge it ourselves. On the other hand, ressentiment has an undeniably public face. It can be creative of social practices, mores, and fashions; of scholarly attitudes, academic policies, educational initiatives; of political ideologies, institutions, and revolutions; of forms of religiosity and ascetic practices. The concept of ressentiment was first developed systematically by Nietzsche in his account of the historical emergence of what he terms 'slave morality' and in his critique of the ascetic ideal. While references to this condition can be found throughout his works, the chief sections in which he develops this notion are in his early work The Genealogy of Morals. Max Scheler provides an eidetic account of this complex affective phenomenon in his book entitled Ressentiment. The picture of ressentiment that emerges from these two thinkers is in part a function of their methodological approaches and their abiding philosophic interests. Nietzsche's historical approach to the development and the corruption of morality is empiricist and deterministic, but it does not have the marks of the narrow positivism that emerged later. His historical method is informed by his philological training in ancient Hellenic texts and by Enlightenment ideals. So, although Nietzsche writes of cultural conflict s in the ancient world as historical fact, he actually uses them as models with universal anthropological significance.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Siddhartha’s Influences :: Siddhartha Herman Hesse

Siddhartha’s Influences In the novel Siddhartha, Herman Hesse used other characters to let Siddhartha grow both intellectually and spiritually. During the course of his journey, Siddhartha encountered many people and experienced different ways of living and thinking about life. Each person taught him something about himself and the world around him. Siddhartha’s childhood friend, Govinda, educated him about the importance of choosing a path in his own life. Govinda had always been a step behind Siddhartha, following every decision he made. The one time he stepped out on his own, to accept the Buddha, he was merely following the path of thousands of others. Siddhartha saw this and he learned that he had to listen to himself even if he wound up making a wrong decision. Meeting with Govinda at the end of the novel reinforced his thought that one had to have experience in order to attain Nirvana -- not someone else’s knowledge. After following Gotama for years Govinda still hadn’t reached peace although Siddhartha had. Siddhartha had done things many would consider wrong and immoral and yet he reached something that many others wanted so desperately because he had experience. The beautiful courtesan, Kamala, taught Siddhartha the importance of love along with the pleasures of it. While in the town of Samsara, he was introduced to a life of luxuries by her. She taught him how to please a woman and how to keep her satisfied. He also learned how to gamble and the art of running a business from her friends. Although Siddhartha felt moments of joy, nothing fulfilled the longing in his soul. Over the years, one of the more important lessons he gained from Kamala was that he could have this life of pleasurable things and yet still yearn for a deeper meaning in his heart. Vasudeva, the ferryboat captain, was the most important person in Siddhartha’s life. If he hadn’t allowed Siddhartha to live with him and share the beauty of the river, Siddhartha may have never reached Nirvana. Sitting with his pupil by the water and forcing him to listen and look into the depths led Siddhartha to his place of peacefulness.

Maurice Sendak: Through Controversy To Success Essay -- Maurice Sendak

Maurice Sendak: Through Controversy To Success â€Å"These are difficult times for children. Children have to be brave to survive what the world does to them. And this world is scrungier and rougher and dangerouser than it ever was before†Ã¢â‚¬â€Maurice Sendak Throughout the past fifty years, Maurice Sendak has been a challenging and inventive voice for children’s literature. His work will continue to be entertaining and educational for young children and adults alike for many years to come. Sendak has won many awards for his work in children’s literature; however, much controversy surrounds his work. Sendak’s books have had grotesque characters, kids becoming â€Å"wild things†, kids get stolen by goblins, kids are eaten by lions, and some kids are naked. Through all the controversy that has surrounded Sendak’s books, he has risen to success. Maurice Sendak was born in Brooklyn, New York on June 10, 1928, according to American Masters-PBS. His parents were Polish-Jewish immigrants who came to the United States before World War I. Mr. Sendak started to draw as a child, because he was sick child and spent most of his life indoors. Drawing gave Sendak time to let his imagination run wild. After graduating from high school, Sendak published a number of drawings in the textbook Atomics for the Millions (1947). He worked for F.A.O. Schwartz for four years as a window dresser while taking classes at New York Art Student League. Sendak illustrated books for Marcel Ayme’s The Wonderful Farm (1951), which is currently out of print, and Ruth Krauss’s A Hole is to Dig (1952). Sendak decided to become a full-time freelance children’s book illustrator, after he did the illustrations for those two books. Sendak’s mother was di... ...m, but it has not stopped the awards and recognition pouring in on his books. He does not let this controversy stop him from writing or illustrating. Sendak keeps doing what he does best, writing and illustrating books that put children and adults into another world and let their imagination run wild. Works Cited American Masters-PBS, Maurice Sendak. Biography Maurice Sendak. Educational Paperback Association. Gregory, Carol and Ramsey, Inez. Maurice Sendak, Children’s Book Author. National Endowment for the Arts, The. Maurice Sendak.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How far do you agree with Dr Johnson Essay

Samuel Johnson, or Dr Johnson as he was sometimes referred as, was a great English author who made enduring contributions to English literature. Being such a distinguished and renowned author, his views on literature were and still are today, stern and well-known. However, I have views both agreeing with and opposing Dr Johnson’s view that Milton’s work lacks human interest. Firstly, human interest strictly speaking, is about everyday people just like us, being able to relate to a story, and possibly learn something from it and put it into practise in our own lives. The epic poem Paradise Lost concerns the Christian story of the Fall of Man, while dealing with more present topics such a marriage and politics. Milton’s purpose, as stated in book I, is to â€Å"justify the ways of God to men. † This is a good base to start my argument on, which is that I do not agree with Dr Johnson, and believe that Milton’s work does hold human interest. By involving politics and marriage into his works, this is surely of human interest, as people will be curious and inquisitive about how things worked back then, and it is therefore of human interest if people want to learn about it. Milton states the purpose of his epic poem, and it is obvious that he intended Paradise Lost to educate people about God. If anything, Paradise Lost holds universal human interest. The event in the poem concern the whole of the human race, as the single event of disobeying God and plucking a single apple has moulded the destiny of the world, and it should surely be of interest to anyone who is born into this world. People must be, and generally are, curious about how their world evolved and how it reached the state of where it is now. If people are curious about this and eager to be educated on this topic, then they may read Milton’s work to learn about these events, and consequently are showing signs of human interest. Looking more in depth into Christianity, Christians believe that due to the event of Eve picking the apple, all humans are born with sin, and it is whether people choose to act on it or not that defines us. However, a big factor to consider is whether people actually believe in God or not. Atheists wouldn’t take any notice of this argument, let alone and interest of Milton’s epic poem Paradise Lost. This is my argument agreeing with Dr Johnson and saying that Milton’s work does lack human interest. To an atheist, they would take absolutely no interest in the Fall of Man, and wouldn’t believe anything about God and heaven. Also being literal about it, for anyone, let alone an atheist, it is hard to relate to an event that happened such a long time ago, and we only know to be true from a book and lots of believers. How do we even know that this happened? How do we even know God exists? These are all questions that are very important when answering this question. Many different theological issues are presented in the epic poem, such as fate, the introduction of sin and death into the world, as well as the nature of angels, heaven, hell and Satan. However, sin and death cannot be ignored, even by atheists, as these two issues are both around us and will happen to us in our lives. So, this means that people are able to relate to these issues in Milton’s works, and therefore showing signs of human interest. Also, nowadays, we are not scared of disobeying something that will have as huge of a consequence as picking the apple did. Anything that we do today is not going to have an huge impact on the world, affecting all of its inhabitants and the world itself. So, in this sense, it is hard to relate to Milton’s work, and it can be said that it does lack human interest. Another literal relation that we can have with Paradise Lost is the consequences of picking the fruit relating to God, not just the event itself. Not only did God show his mercy and temperance in their punishments, but he also displayed his love and compassion through the Son, Jesus Christ. Atheist or not, everyone learns about Christ and the Fall and it is whether you chose to believe it or not which is what makes people an atheist. In this sense, Paradise Lost does not lack human interest as it can always be related to and people are always taught about it, even if it was in the classroom and compulsory, or by their parents. The knowledge of Jesus Christ and the garden of Eden is general knowledge, and therefore must be of human interest. Also, the hard work that men and women have to endure, and the pain of giving birth for a woman are all consequences of Eve picking the apple off the tree and disobeying God’s only rule. And therefore, as we all experience hard work, and the majority of women experience child birth, we can all relate to this in some way or another. So, having analysed and read through this epic poem, I am going to disagree with Dr Johnson that Milton’s work lacks human interest. I think that everyone can relate to Milton’s work in one way or another. You could say, that if you were not able to relate to his work, then you havent related to the story of Creation and havent learnt about God or Christ. Also, you do not need to believe in all of the Creation stories and the Garden of Eden to have related to Milton’s work. Above all, Milton is a fantastically talented writer, and that alone is a reason as to why Milton’s work does contain human interest. Bibliography and Webography: The Bible The Complete English Poems – John Milton www. wikepedia. org www. sparknotes. com.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Feminist Literary Criticism in English Literature Essay

AbstractThe aim of this piece of music is to express womens liberationist literary animadversion in English literary productions, as vituperative analysis of literary whole kit and boodle ground on wowork forces rightist perspective, as headspring as to uncover the latent kinetics in a unfermented pertinent to womens interior power in orderliness. womens liberationist literary Criticism rejects venerable norms in literature that privileges masculine ship stinkeral of thinking and marginalizes women politicall(a)y, economically and psychologically.Key speech communicationWomen, libber literary lit crit, novel, patriarchy, literature.INTRODUCTIONAs a social movement, feminist reproof highlights the various charges women in exceptional cause been oppressed, suppressed and repressed (Bressler 185) peerless of the most potent aspects of feminist literary disapproval is to uncover the latent kinetics in a novel relevant to womens inferior role in society. Feminist Literary Criticism is the unfavorable analysis of literary works base on feminist perspective. In particular, feminist literary critics tend to reject the immemorial norms of literature, which privileges masculine ways of thinking/points of watch out and marginalizes women politically, economically and psychologically. Modern Feminist Literary critics had its roots in the past-World War II, feminist movement that spilled over into the intellectual circles of the Statess colleges and universities. However, the true origins of the movement batch be traced as far backward as the late 18th century with Mary Wollstonecrafts A defense reaction of the rights of women (1792).Feminist Literary Criticism is advised by feminist theory or by the politics of feminist movement to a greater extent broadly. Its history has been broad and varied, from tellic works of 19th century women authors such as George Eliot and Margaret Fuller to cutting 1 Sanja Dalton, predava, Visoka tehnika co la nut strukovnih studija iz Uroevca, sa privremenim seditem u Zveanu, E_mail Feminist literary comment in english literature 173 butt against theoretical work in womens studies and sex studies by third boom authors. In the most general and unproblematic terms, Feminist Literary Criticism out front the 1970sin the first and second vagabond of feminism was vexed with the politics of womens report and the representation of womens condition deep d give birth literature.Since the development of more complex conceptions of sexual practice and subjectivity and third-wave feminism, feminist literary criticism has taken a anatomy of wise routes, namely in the tradition of the capital of Kentucky Schools critical theory. It has finded gender in the terms of Freudian and La canian psychoanalysis, as part of deconstruction of existing dealings of power. Feminist Literary Criticism concern with the representation and politics of womens lives has go along to play an active role in criticism.HOW DOES FEMINIST LITERARY CRITICISM follow up TO PRIDE AND PREJUDICEby Jane Austen profound to the diverse aims and methods of feminist criticism on self-conceit and Prejudice are centre on patriarchy, the rule of society and socialisation by men. on that point was a favourite incredulity Are not women and men tolerable in all consider? Feminists studies, feminist theorists, and feminist critics all answered in one accord No (Bressler 167). This question and vehement reply from Bresslers textual matter emphasizes a gender difference in the midst of men and women one example of this can easily be seen in reserve and Prejudice through the cosmosner of entitlements in the novel. Patriarchy can be seen in Jane Austens novel in the socio-economic class of existing system of entailment. Entailment in Pride and Prejudice, the restriction of future self-will of real-e convey to particular descendants, is limited solely to masculine heirs . As Mr white avens has no virile children, his estate will be entailed to Mr collins as opposed to his admit daughters. There is a part in the novel that demonstrates the above stated Oh my God cries his wife, I do think it is hardest amour in the World, that your estate should be entailed outdoor(a) from your own children (Austen 45).With the imposition of entitlement in Austens novel comes a pressure for women to link up and search for a husband to build a better spirit. This is the case with Charlotte Lucas evaluate Mr Collins solely from the pure and disinterested rely of an establishment, cared not how soon that establishment were gained (Austen, 91). In writing that, Charlotte Lucas married for sake of a future in a potent dominant society where the future would not be possible otherwise. Austen can be seen to be criticizing the role of the female in the setting of Pride and Prejudice. As Charlotte goes on to differentiate to Elizabeth in regard to her pairing wi th Mr Collins, I hope you will be satisfied with what I have done. I am not romantic you know. I never was. I ask hardly for comfortable home and considering Mr Collins character, connections, and situations in life, I am convinced that my jeopardize of happiness with him is as fair as most people can blow on entering the marriage state. (Austen 93)This further demonstrates the point that Charlotte in a male dominant society, felt compelled to get hitched with in order to secure her own future. As one of the most satisfying development in literary studies in the second half of the 20th century, feminist literary criticism advocates equal rights for all women (indeed, all peoples) in all areas of life socially, politically, professionally, personally, economically, aesthetically, and psychologically. Feminist literary criticism advocates equal rights for women, so it would be opt to profits attention to an occasion in which Elizabeth Bennet claims equally with another upper cla ss man, Mr Darcy. Again in the same feud with Lady Catherine de Burgh, Miss Bennet claims I am marrying your nephew, I should not consider myself as quitting that sphere in which I have been brought up. He is a gentleman I am a gentlemans daughter so, for me we are equal. (Austen 258) In this instance Miss and Mr Darcy is to epitomize the very cause of feminist literary criticism-to principally advocate for the rights and equality of women. Feminist critics say that women must marshal a variety of resources to assert, clarify, and finally implement their believes and value. (Bressler 182)In regard to this quote, Elizabeth Bennet indeed clarifies and implements her own beliefs and values. On marrying Mr Darcy, free from social restrictions, Elizabeth say to Lady Catherine de Burgh I am simply resolved to act in a manner, which will, in my own opinion, constitute my happiness, without elongation to you, or to any person so wholly unconnected to me. (Austen 260) As such Miss Benn et articulates her own role and place in society, although still provided as a housewife, but a housewife that marries for love and her own values as opposed to the society set(p) values of wealth and a gigantic fortune. Elizabeth is a perfect example of a feminist character. Not only is she unlike them, but also she does not tolerate her originality to interfere with her happiness. In this aspect, Austen celebrates the woman who can easily be seen as mans equal. Elizabeth is a third wave feminist and head of her time because she does on the dot what she wants in the end.CONCLUSIONFeminist critics attack literature in a way that empowers the female point of view instead, typically rejecting the patriarchal language that has dominated literature. (Paul Ady, comrade professor of English at assertion College in Worcester, Massachusetts). Feminist literary criticism in english literature clxxv Although the road is rocky, the characters ultimately prevent their debt to society fro m interfering with any attempt at personal happiness, which in my opinion is the binding of feminism.REFERENCES1 Austen, Jane, Pride and Prejudice, (1813), Penguin Books, 1992. 2 Coward, Rosalind, Are womens novels Feminist novel?, in Elaine Showalter (ed.), The New Feminist Criticism Essay on Women, Literature and Theory, Virago Books, 1986. 3 Eagleton, Mary (ed.), Feminist Literary Theory A Reader, Basil Blackwell, 1986. 4 Sherzer, Dina, Postmodernism and Feminism, in Edmund J. Smyth (ed.), Postmodernism and Contemporary Fiction, B.T. Bats ford Ltd., 1991. 5 BBC-The coarse Read, http// Retrieved 27 January 2012. 6 Pride and Prejudice, at the internet movie selective information base, 2005. 7 Dexter, Gary, The Telegraph, How Pride and Prejudice got its name, 10 rarefied 2008. 8 The Daily Telegraph, http// pride and prejudice-got-its-name.html